Annual Filing Requirements for Singapore Companies(1)
Staying Compliant with ACRA
All Singapore private limited Company is subject to staying compliant with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”). Annual filings are mandatory for both active and dormant Singapore companies.
Failing to regularly meet ACRA ongoing compliance requirements in a timely manner can have consequences.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) / Filing of Annual Returns (AR)
Every Singapore Company needs to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) every calendar year and its financial statements are to be tabled at the AGM for the shareholders’ approval.
The Singapore Companies Act (Cap.50) states that every company is required to hold the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”):
once in every calendar year
15 months from the date of the last AGM, whichever is the earliest
EXCEPTION: Newly incorporated companies are allowed to hold the first AGM within 18 months from the date of incorporation.
An AGM can be:
physically held anywhere in the world, whereby the shareholders meet, or
by way of written resolutions, whereby a meeting is not required.
The following matters are discussed in an AGM:
To approve the Director’s Report/ Audit Report
To approve Directors’ fees, remuneration and emolument;
To re-elect the Director(s) (if applicable)
To reappoint auditors
To declare dividends, if any
To transact any other business
Requirement for Filing Accounts
Where an AGM is held, directors of the company are required to lay before the shareholders, the relevant documents such as the company’s annual financial statements compiled in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards of Singapore which must consists of:
Report of Directors & Statement by Directors
Independent Auditors’ Report (if required)
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss Statement
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash flow Statement
Corresponding Notes to Financial Statements
Note: Section 201 of the Companies Act states that the financial statement must not be more than 6 months old from the date of the AGM.
Filing Directors Reports/Audited Accounts:
A company is not required to prepare an audited report if
The sales turnover does not exceed the $5 million
It has not more than 20 shareholders
It does not have a corporate shareholder at any point in time for the particular financial year
The company which meets with the above requirements can prepare an unaudited report which is commonly known as directors’ report.
Audited reports must be prepared if the Company has
a corporate shareholder
Sales turnover exceed S$5 million
has more than 20 shareholders
Note: A company is considered dormant during a period in which no accounting transaction occurs. Dormant companies can be exempted from preparing audit reports, but will still be required to prepare unaudited report.